Soybeans and legumes

Necessary, recommended dosage, benefits

Consider the following factors when choosing the dosage:
  • the nutrients consumption depending to the yield
Nutrients Requirement kg/T Yield T/ha Demand kg/ha
S 7 2 14
3 21
4 28
Ca 22 2 44
3 66
4 88
  • sulphur content in the soil
S [mg/kg] Content
< 5,5 Very low
5,6-11 Low
11,1-16,5 Average
16,6-22,1 High
> 22,1 Very high
  • neutralization of toxic aluminium in the soil - between 10% and 30% Sulphur can be used to neutralise AI³⁺
  • previous and future crop
  • soil type
Dosage Heavy soil Medium soil Light soil Sandy soil
1 year 400-500 350-450 300-400 250-300
2 years 800-1000 700-900 600-800 500-600

Recommended usage time:
after harvesting and before the preparation for the next crop, well mixed into the soil.

Benefits for the crops:
  • vigorous crop development
  • helps the rhizomes development
  • high protein content

Soil advantages

Soil physical properties Soil chemical properties Soil biological properties
  • aggregation of soil particles into optimal structure, less boulders
  • reduction of soil density
  • reduced costs of agrothechnical work
  • improving the water distribution into the soil
  • reducing erosion and loss of mineral substances, for example phosphorus.
  • soil nourishment with calcium
  • stabilised organic matter content
  • soil nourishment with sulphur
  • increased potassium resource
  • reduction of Al³⁺ toxicity
  • increased availability of micronutrients
  • increase of soil biological activity
  • higher rate of mineralization of plant residues
  • optimised conditions for root development
  • reduces water pollution